MetaClean Command Line
Designed for server architecture.
MetaClean Command Line is specially developed to run on servers, operates from the command line and can be invoked from scripts (or through scheduled tasks) to process the metadata (add, delete or modify metadata) of the documents.
Real-time Directory Monitoring.
Any document created or modified on the monitored local or network paths will be automatically processed by MetaClean Command Line to apply the established metadata policies. (add, delete or modify metadata).
Forensic Analysis and Reporting.
Search for documents based on their metadata: allows you to search, for example, all the documents of a certain author, or those documents that have been modified between certain dates, etc. The metadata of the documents resulting from the search can be exported to an Excel file or deleted.
- File formats compatible with Metaclean
- Directory synchronization: monitors directories to automatically adds, modifies or deletes the metadata of Microsoft Office, PDF, Open Office and Audio and Video documents, which are created or modified within the selected directories. (Option available only in the Extended Edition).
- Allows to export the metadata of the documents to Excel files.
- Generation of log reports.
- Not requires the installation of any of these products: Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Open / Libre Office.
- Delete hidden data in documents such as: Printer routes, history of document changes, etc.
- Allows searching files based on their metadata.
- Creation of metadata templates to eliminate, add or modify standard or customized metadata to facilitate the modification of metadata in the documents.
- Possibility of creating an unlimited number of metadata templates to establish corporate policies by department or area.
- Continuous protection in real time against leaks of confidential information through metadata without user intervention.
- Allows to tag the documents with customized metadata.
- Allows you to configure metadata modification in PDF with signature. The protection of the signed PDFs can be activated so that MetaClean does not modify the metadata and the signature is invalidated.
- Compatible with cloud storage: Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.
- The number of files processed by MetaClean Command Line is limited to a maximum of 50,000 files per year, if it is required to process a larger volume please request a quote.
- Multi-language support (Spanish / English).
- Example 1 (Windows Platform):
MetaCleanCL.exe -h PARAMETERS FOR EDITING METADATA ------------------------------- Action parameters: ------------------- -h --> Display help. -d [full_path_to_input_files_directory] --> Local directory or network shares containing the documents to be processed. -watchDir [full_path_to_input_files_directory] --> Monitors local directory or network shares in order to automatically add or remove metadata from documents. If -watchDir parameter is set then -d and -f parameters are not allowed. *Note: -watchDir option requires MetaClean CL Extended Edition License. -type [mo,oo,pdf,mm,zip,7z] --> File type to be processed: mo (Microsoft Office files), oo (Open/Libre Office files), pdf (PDF files), mm (MultiMedia files: image, audio and video files), zip, 7z. -search [metasearch-N] --> Among the files found in the specified directory, look for those files whose metadata match those specified in the metasearch-N.properties file, this file is located in the installation directory. -f [full_path_to_input_file] --> Input file, MetaClean CL will process the input file. If -f parameter is set then -d, -r and -type parameters are not allowed. -metadata [template-N|remove|export|view] --> Parameter to select an action to perform from documents metadata: template-N: Set custom metadata to documents. In order to set the required custom metadata, go to MetaClean Command Line install path and edit the template-N.properties file. remove: All metadata will be removed from files. export -fileExp [full_path_to_excel_file]: The metadata from documents will be exported to an Excel file. view: Views the metadata from the specified file. *Note: For Multimedia file type (mm), export and custom options are not allowed. Optional parameters: -------------------- -r --> Searches for files recursively into input directory. -o [full_path_to_output_files_directory]--> To keep the original files as they were before MetaClean processes them and set the path to write new files. -protectPdfSigned [true|false] --> Set true to protect signed PDF files from metadata modifications, default value is false. -log [full_path_to_output_log_filename] --> Writes the results of each action in a output log file. -logSize [limit] --> Limits the maximum size of the log files, in case the file reaches this size MetaClean CL will create a new one up to a maximum of 5 files. This means that the log files can be overwritten. Other parameters: ----------------- -v --> Displays MetaClean CL version. -MetaCleanID --> Displays the Identification Code of your License. (needed for product registration). -activate [activation_code] --> Activate your license.
This example displays a description of each of the available options.
- Example 2 (Windows Platform):
MetaCleanCL.exe -f "C:\Documents and Setting\myDocs\example1.pdf" -metadata view
This example displays metadata from the specified input file.
- Example 3 (Windows Platform):
MetaCleanCL.exe -d "C:\Documents and Setting\myDocs" -r -type pdf,mm -metadata remove -o "C:\tmp" -log "C:\tmp\clean.log" -logSize 1
The following command line remove metadata from PDF, image, audio and video files located in “C:\Documents and Setting\myDocs” directory and subdirectories, the cleaned files are saved in “C:\tmp” folder and the process log is saved to a set of 5 files of 1 Mb, with the filename pattern: clean_NUMBER.log
- Example 4 (Windows Platform):
MetaCleanCL.exe -watchDir "C:\wamp64\www\myDocs" -r -type pdf,mo -metadata remove -protectPdfSigned true
This example removes the metadata from PDF (excluding PDF signed files) and Microsoft Office files from the specified directory and subdirectories, as recursive flag is set (-r). When this process has finished, MetaClean will monitor the “C:\wamp64\www\myDocs” directory (and subdirectories) in order to automatically remove metadata from new or updated documents. The process output will be displayed on the terminal. (No log files will be created).
start /B MetaCleanCL.exe -watchDir "C:\wamp64\www\myDocs" -r -type pdf,mo -metadata remove
To run the process in the background (Windows)
java -jar MetaCleanCL.jar -watchDir "/wamp64/www/myDocs" -r -type pdf,mo -metadata remove &
To run the process in the background (Linux/Unix)
- Example 5 (Linux, Unix and Mac OS X Platforms):
java -jar MetaCleanCL.jar -d "/home/myUser/Documents" -type pdf,oo,mo,zip -metadata template-1
This example add custom metadata specified in template-1.properties file for all supported documents even they are zipped (PDF, Open/Libre Office, Microsoft Office) in “/home/myUser/Documents” directory (not subdirectories as -r is not set). MetaClean CL will overwrite the original files to add the custom metadata to them, the process output will be displayed on the terminal. (No log files will be created).
- Example 6 (Linux, Unix and Mac OS X Platforms):
java -jar MetaCleanCL.jar -d "/home/myUser/Documents" -r -type pdf,oo,mo -metadata export -fileExp "/home/myUser/tmp/metadata.xls"
This example exports metadata from PDF, Open/Libre Office, Microsoft Office documents located in “/home/myUser/Documents” directory and subdirectories and export metadata from them to an excel file in: “/home/myUser/tmp/metadata.xls”
- Example 7 (Linux, Unix and Mac OS X Platforms):
java -jar MetaCleanCL.jar -d "/home/myUser/Documents" -r -type pdf,xlsx -search metasearch-1 -metadata remove
Search for PDF and Excel files found in “/home/myUser/Documents” directory and subdirectories where metadata match the values specified in the metasearch-1.properties file.